Formatschneiden Rollenschneiden Papierverkauf Papierservice


Golzern is well-known for modern paper converting. Golzern is also the name of a place situated near the river Mulde. Already 1862 a paper mill was founded in Golzern. For the past 130 years, printing and speciality paper has been manufactured here. 1992 paper production stopped, but a professional paper converting arose.
After two flooding desasters during the period of eleven years the proprietor decided to shut down the historical site. The new PAPIERVERARBEITUNG GOLZERN was founded. In Mutzschen near Grimma, far from the river Mulde, the new company site came into existence. In December 2014 the company moved to the new place. Business continues in Mutzschen.


Special thanks to our customers and partners! Please trust the established quality work at Golzern. It is promised: A slight, efficient working and modern paper supplier continues the tradition of quality and good cooperation.

Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH . Gewerbestraße 4 . 04668 Grimma OT Mutzschen . GERMANY . Phone +49 34385 5060-0 . Fax +49 34385 5060-299 .