For Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH the long-term customer satisfaction is a priority aim, because a long-term satisfaction is the basis of a long-term partnership. The quality of the processes, products and services must be permanently guaranteed for this. The quality requirements of customers and interested parties must always be met in order to achieve their continuous and steadily growing satisfaction.
In order to ensure its objectives, Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH continuously develops its quality management system and aligns it to ever-changing needs. Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH constantly optimizes its business processes and makes them transparent.
All employees of the company are responsible for the quality of their work. Through the engagement of our employees to customers and suppliers and our intensive cooperation, we promote the effective configuration of our quality management system. Customer orientation, communication, training and education play a key role in the implementation of corporate policy.
Through conscious and regulated internal and external communication, we achieve effective cooperation within the company and with external partners. Employees are involved. Knowledge is expanded, maintained and passed on. The basis of our communication is mutual appreciation and factual information. The protection of personal and operational data is always guaranteed.
In our processes, we pay attention to the resource-conserving use of materials and energy as well as their sustainable use. Through cost-conscious action, we strengthen the performance and competitiveness of our company.
Risks that affect the conformity of products and services as well as the quality management system are determined and treated. Opportunities for improvement are sought, recognized and used.
Protecting and maintaining the health of our employees has top priority. To this end, Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH is constantly developing its occupational health and safety concept and adapting it to current developments. In addition, every employee is responsible for their own health and the health of their colleagues in order to avert harm to themselves and to the company.
The principle of "taking responsibility" is an integral part of our thinking and acting. Through regular questioning of our trade and our processes as well as by agreeing, checking and evaluating quality objectives, Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH effects a permanent improvement process to secure the location and the future of the company.
Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH . Gewerbestraße 4 . 04668 Grimma OT Mutzschen . GERMANY . Phone +49 34385 5060-0 . Fax +49 34385 5060-299 .