Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH
Gewerbestraße 4
04668 Grimma OT Mutzschen
Phone +49 34385 5060-0
Fax +49 34385 5060-299
Commercial register | Leipzig HRB 28210 |
VAT number | DE 815 460 999 |
Tax number | 238/116/01934 |
General manager | Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Röhrenbeck |
Business opportunities | development, production, sales, trade, import and export of paperproducts and cognate products |
Local court | Grimma |
Established | 01.11.2013 |
Certificates | DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 (DE16/819942216) |
FSC® - Chain-of-Custody (SGSCH-COC-050124) | |
PEFC - Chain-of-Custody (SGSCH-PEFC-COC-050037) |
Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH is ready to participate in a settlement out of court at a consumer mediation center.
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Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH . Gewerbestraße 4 . 04668 Grimma OT Mutzschen . GERMANY . Phone +49 34385 5060-0 . Fax +49 34385 5060-299 .