FachPack 2019 is over. More than 44.000 visitors from all over the world could inform themselves about latest trends in the subject of packaging. About 1.591 exhibitors presented their products in 12 halls.
Especially "Environmentally friendly packaging" stood in the foreground in 2019. The topic was supported by an extensive exhibition accompanying program.
We had also a lot to do at our booth in hall 5. We had many interesting conversations and promising contacts. Thanks to all visitors. Let's meet again, latest at FachPack 2021!
Review - Showreport FachPack 2019
Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH . Gewerbestraße 4 . 04668 Grimma OT Mutzschen . GERMANY . Phone +49 34385 5060-0 . Fax +49 34385 5060-299 . info@pv-golzern.de