Formatschneiden Rollenschneiden Papierverkauf Papierservice


While turning yourself to your core business, we start a professional and smoothly paper-management. Paper will be wound, cut, packed, stored and shipped at your request.

PAPIERVERARBEITUNG GOLZERN works as full-service-partner for manufacturers, printing and processing businesses and wholesalers.

Ask us, if you have any questions about paper grades and applications, properties of paper, alternatives or samples. Look forward to professional communication, non-bureaucratic relationship and fair offers.

Logistics opening hours

Monday to Friday 7:00 - 15:00*
* Breaks 09:00 - 09:15 and 12:30 - 13:00

Papierverarbeitung Golzern GmbH . Gewerbestraße 4 . 04668 Grimma OT Mutzschen . GERMANY . Phone +49 34385 5060-0 . Fax +49 34385 5060-299 .